Handball Car Sticker 3D





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Handball Car Sticker 3D

Handball car sticker 3D will show your hobbies, activities or lifestyle. The domed sticker is made of high quality materials, that allows to use it for a long time both outside and indoors. It is protected from the environment and household chemicals, does not scratch, does not fade and does not yellowing.


  • 3D domed car sticker
  • Easy to fit
  • High quality
  • Your Lifestyle and hobbies
Color: Black/Silver

Application Instruction

Domed car sticker 3D following conditions and sequence of installation must be completed for proper application of the sticker:

3D Domed Sticker Instruction

1. Bonding temperature: +20 – +25 °C;
2. Pre-clean and degrease application surface;
3. Apply an application tape if necessary (if the sticker is composed of several parts, application tape is included);
3.1. Separate application tape from the liner;
3.2. Put on the sticker and press strongly by using any plastic card;
3.3. Turn over the sticker;
4. Remove the protection liner (sticker’s backpaper) under sharp angle;
5. Bond the sticker. (Note: Sticker should be bonded to flat and smooth surface.);
6. Strongly press all parts of the sticker for 2-5 seconds;
7. After application doesn’t make any external influences (do not wash bonding place) for 3-5 days.


Video Instruction